My Courses

Easily create & sell courses, deliver quizzes, assignments and so much more! By using TeachersTrading courses you have access to the latest e-learning industry trends for creating robust learning experiences.

Course Creation Features

Intuitive Course Builder

Create engaging courses in a snap with the most impactful course builder.

Advanced Quiz Options

A powerful quiz creator with 10 question types, manual reviews, quiz timers and so much more!


Have students complete offline assignments and upload files for completion and/or grading.


Auto-email students when you provide feedback on a submitted quiz, a new course announcement is posted or updated, an answer is submitted to the course Q & A forum, and any new lesson, quiz, or assignment is posted.

Multiple Instructors

Add as many instructors as you wish for all your courses.

Course Forum

Add a forum area to your course where you can add discussion topics for you and your students to interact through comments and questions.

Course Prerequisites

Include course prerequisites flexibly to get the right target students.

Course Bundles

Group your courses into bundles to offer special deals or a complete series of learning

Course Monetization

Sell course registrations at a price you set. Each registration is split 80% to you the creator and 20% to TeachersTrading My Courses.

How to create a course on TeachersTrading – My Courses!

What will you learn?

How to get started with TeachersTrading My Courses
How to create courses, quizzes, and assignments.
How to promote and sell registrations for your course.

Featured Courses

Learning often happens in classrooms but it doesn’t have to. Use TeachersTrading – My Courses to facilitate learning experiences no matter the context.

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Course Title (a-z)
Course Title (z-a)

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